Lead Rot Cleaning Pt.2 – episode 6

Fifth Episode Here

This time a multi-part miniature, lead rot or some other trauma detached the small creature from the carpet:

Before treatment the figures were really ugly andĀ looked damaged.

After it, the carpet can be used with minimum further intervention, just a bit of cyanoacrilate or liquid putty in a pair of small details, to better define the damaged pattern. The hole will be hidden by the wizard figure placed on top of it. Of course it’s also possible to seal it and recreate the small part of pattern there, in case it will be used “standalone” (not a lot of sense in it, though).

The wizard can be painted right away (well, after cleaning the mold lines that are still there šŸ˜‰ ), the small fissures in the mustache will beĀ used as further details.

The small familiar/homunculus has to be of course reattached to the carpet, where I think it originally was waving. The damage on him is also minor, cyanoacrilate or liquid putty will seal the small fissures.

I’m offering a miniatures cleaning and restoration service, in case you’re interested.


Next Episode here.

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